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A WORD FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR « To make the Gabonese Customs a modern, efficient and virtuous administration, at the heart of the economic recovery »

The purpose of this platform is to allow individuals or legal entities (authorized customs brokers, economic operators, regular or occasional importers and exporters...), national, regional or international entities, technical and financial partners and all users of the public service that is within our competence, to learn about our missions, our procedures, our results and our various activities

Origins and Evolutions


The Gabonese Customs Department was created by decree n°174/PM of October 29, 1959 after the 1958 referendum on the eve of African independence. It was then separated from the Federal Administration of Customs of French Equatorial Africa (AEF) created in 1911.


At that time, its missions and organization were still in their infancy.


At the time of its creation, the Gabonese Customs Department was already carrying out its traditional missions, i.e., the liquidation of border duties, the fight against fraud and smuggling, and assistance to other administrations. Its field of action was still limited to a few localities in the country.


On December 24, 1967, Mr. Pierre Leroux left Gabon for good, leaving the position of Director vacant until December 1968. The interim is then assured by his advisor Mr. NAMBRIDE.


In 1968, Mr. Mamadou DIOP, who had been called to the Directorate in place of Michel ANCHOUEY, who had been assigned to the Customs and Economic Union of Central Africa (UDEAC), was appointed Deputy Director.


That year, Albert Bernard BONGO, new President of the Gabonese Republic, advocated the concept of "Renovation". Mamadou DIOP took this opportunity to send him a letter to inform him of the dysfunctions of his administration. He proposed to restructure this department, the first provider of revenue of the country at that time.


The President of the Republic then instructed the Minister of Finance, Augustin BOUMA, to draw up a draft decree to organize the Customs Department.


In 1970, Mr. DIOP was appointed as Director of Customs by the President of the Republic. Mr. RIVOILE was appointed Advisor to the President of the Republic and the Director of Customs.


In 1975, the decree N°00039/PR/MINECOFIN/DGDDI of January 17, 1975 on the attributions and organization of the General Directorate of Customs was adopted, thus consecrating the first reform of the Gabonese customs.


In 2006, the decree N°000152/PR/MEFBP of February 03, 2006, several times amended by successive touches in the Council of Ministers, was repealed by the decree N°000422/PR/MEDDEPIP of August 09, 2016 bearing attributions and reorganization of the General Directorate of Customs and Indirect Rights then modified by the decree N° 00387/PR/MER of October 13, 2020 modifying the decree 422 up to now




Our former General Managers

M. Landry Mbondo
M. Boris Admina Atchoughou
M. Dieudonné Lewamouho Obissa
M. Raymond Okongo
M. Alain Njouby Ossamy
M. Michel Ondinga Ngouengoue
M. Fridolin Onguinda
M. Celestin Odounga
M.Ludovic Ognagna Ockogho
M. Jean Claude Mouloungui
M. Ernest Redombo
M. Mamadou Diop


Decree Decree 422 - Reorganization of the DGDDI 15 juil. 21 Directorate of Specific Controls Cartography Gabonese Customs Card All our documents


Our Toll Free Number is open from 07:30 to 16:30 from Monday to Friday, except holidays.


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